The Dairy House
After years of living in an inner city Munich flat and designing other peoples gardens the move to Somerset meant I finally had a patch of my own.
Whilst other people choose a house for its location, appearance or space, the ancient box bird at the end of the garden was the deciding factor for me. You should be careful what you read as a child. Elizabeth Goudge’s The Little White House left such an impression on me that topiary and geraniums were essential components of my dream garden. Rational thought was tossed to one side, the over three hundred year old house was impractical but oozed character and the garden, well, it had the essential ingredient. Over the years I have learnt to work with the garden and accept that it is a battlefield. And if I can keep the cows and badgers at bay, I have a chance that the garden will, in it’s own particular way flourish.

The orchard a ”borrowed” landscape

The Box Bird
The veranda next to the studio
Topairy in the “wilderness”